Mild climate, gently sloping hills, springs and rivers, flora and fauna, fertile land – especially in Spreča Field area, favorable geotraffical position and other benefits have made Gračanica a very densely populated area since ancient times.
The municipality of Gračanica covers an area of 219,5 km2, occupying 14.2% of Tuzla Canton territory or 0.428% of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Along with settlements belonging to the municipality of Gračanica, this municipal area has 58.926 inhabitants, which amounts to 17.56% of the population within Tuzla Canton.
The population density of 250 inhabitants per km2 in the municipality of Gračanica today is exceeds the cantonal average of 210 per km2, and the national average of 75 inhabitants per km2.
Beside Gračanica as the municipality center, some other settlements have also developed into significant micro-urban and infrastructure centers with 2000-3500 inhabitants, such as Lukavica, Stjepan Polje, Malešići, Doborovci, Džakule, Babići, Soko, Gornja Orahovica, Miričina, and Donja Orahovica even has nearly 5.000 residents.
In the recent years, different forms of small business, such as family businesses, stores, catering services, craft manufacturing and service industries have been developing extensively within these local communities.
Gračanica area gradually rises from Spreča Field, starting from 150 meters altitude above sea level. It is mainly composed of two geographical entities known as Spreča and Trebava entities.
In fact, the Trebava hill entity rises from Pannonian plain located along the Sava river. The highest peaks are Vis – 692 meters above sea level, Sijedi Krš – 664 meters above sea level, and Monj – 532 meters a.s.l. The territory of Gračanica extends between 44 ° and 45 ° north latitude, in a temperate continental climate belt, with moderately hot summers and moderately cold winters. Autumns are warmer than springs. The highest rainfalls occur during spring and summer months.
Gračanica ima prosječnu temperaturu od 10° C i 830 mm padavina po m2 u toku godine.
Najniže temperature bilježe se u siječnju/januaru, a najviše u srpnju/julu.
The moderate, pleasant climate, along with the sheltering hills of Trebava in the north and Ozren mountain on the opposite side as conditioning factors for preventing the influence of sharp mountain air from central Bosnia to come, makes the overall development of the town and nearby settlements smooth and uncomplicated.
Gračanica has an average temperature of 10 °C and 830mm of rainfall per m2 during the year.
The lowest temperatures are recorded in January and the highest ones in July.
Soil types within the Gračanica minicipality area: Fluvisol, Pseudogley, Eutric Cambisols, Luvisol, ranker soils etc.
Groundwater and surface water in Gračanica area flow into the river basins of Spreča, Tinja, and Bosnia river, and further – into the Black Sea. As its right tributary rivers, the river Spreča has Miričina River Kamenica Stream, Orahovica River, Zmajevac, Lohinja River, Pribava River, Hajdarovac, Sokoluša and Klašnica.
Sokoluša has a length of 10.5 km and the most abundant capacity source of 26 l/s. Bosnia has Lukavica River as a tributary, with its total watercourse length of 34 km, out of which 16 km runs through the Gračanica municipality area. Džakule River, with the total length of 22 (15 running through the minicipality area) is a tributary of the river Tinja.
The most significant water sources in the municipality of Gračanica are Vrela and Ilidža at a nearby Soko area, as well as water sources in Javor, Velika Voda and big water and Krečnička Voda in Škahovica. The municipal area also abounds in thermal mineral waters, with the exploitation well capacity of 100 l/s.
On the slopes of hills that make up the municipal territory, there are pastures, fields, orchards, deciduous and mixed forests, and rocky and sparse surfaces are covered with thickets. Diverse medical herbs also form an important part of the flora.
Cereals cultivated in the area include: barley, oats, wheat, corn, and fodder.
The area of Gračanica municipality has always been known as fruit, livestock and agricultural region
Wild animals found in this area: hare, fox, badger, deer and birds like pheasants, quails, hawks and closer to inhabited areas, pigeon.
An extremely abundant and unexplored world of tiny birds, rodents and insects belongs to areas of hedges and shrubs.